The Top Analysis for JPMorgan Equity Premium Income Fund (JEPI)

The top analysis was written by Dividend Diplomats Blog titled Looking into the JEPI ETF Hype… What is this ETF?!

Is JPMorgan Equity Premium Income Fund (JEPI) a buy?

Based on 2 suggestions, JPMorgan Equity Premium Income Fund(JEPI) is recommended as a BUY

Are These Ratings Good?

Based on 2 ratings, the average Return is 5.53%.
The community has successfully rated this stock!

Forecast for JPMorgan Equity Premium Income Fund (JEPI)

Based on the most recent price of $58.20,
the two year forecast for JEPI is $63.73.
The four year forecast is $69.26
Forecast is based on the aggregate sentiment of users on the platform. The sentiment of top investors get a higher ranking when assessing the forecast.